Sophism [noun]

Definition of Sophism:


Synonyms of Sophism:

Opposite/Antonyms of Sophism:


Sentence/Example of Sophism:

Seeing me foiled, Charley advanced with the doubtful aid of a sophism to help me.

Marriage at eleven could by no stretch of sophism be called a voluntary act.

It is the genius of Sophism which paralyzes this resistance.

Buridan was exempted, and, in gratitude, invented the sophism.

To expose fully all that is false in this sophism would be an endless work.

Let us conclude this monography of sophism with a final and important observation.

In the first place, the word universal conceals a gross sophism.

But the argument is a sophism, in a yet more audacious and insulting sense.

Let them cease, then, for shame's sake, to urge this sophism.

Your idea about Wilhelm Meister is rather pretty, but, after all, it is only a sophism.