Sorcerers [noun]

Definition of Sorcerers:


Synonyms of Sorcerers:

Opposite/Antonyms of Sorcerers:


Sentence/Example of Sorcerers:

Only once did a sorcerer succeed in wounding Notscha in the left arm.

It must have been at the second watch of the night and the sorcerer had not yet come back.

But the sorcerer was already in the room, and again he scolded them.

In the course of time one of his pupils insulted the sorcerer.

The latter, however, feared that the sorcerer might make himself invisible.

And now when it was too late, the soldiers realized that the sorcerer had tricked them.

The sorcerer paled with fear, but Si-Men had him seized and cast into the river.

Once more he looked at a sorcerer and said: “Do you go and hunt them up!”

But the sorcerer flung himself on the ground and begged for mercy.

Some sorcerer, some witch-man, no doubt: it looked fiendlike enough.