Soulless [adjective]
Definition of Soulless:
Opposite/Antonyms of Soulless:
Sentence/Example of Soulless:
Can you imagine sleeping in the same house with such a soulless thing?
Is it because they are hideous, or because they are soulless?
That she would hate a soulless creature he accepted as a foregone conclusion.
Those eyes were the shiny, vacuous, soulless eyes of a madman!
The drone of his voice had a strangely rasping, soulless ring.
There is no soulless “art for the sake of art,” but art for direct pleasure.
Love or hate from this woman who knew him for what he was, a soulless scoundrel, was nothing.
World Steel is a soulless corporation if there ever was one.
Her mother was a shallow, soulless, shameless creature—and worse.
You think I am that sort, ambitious and pushing and soulless!