Sparkler [noun]

Definition of Sparkler:

precious stone

Synonyms of Sparkler:

Opposite/Antonyms of Sparkler:


Sentence/Example of Sparkler:

The devotion of Mr Sparkler was only to be equalled by the caprice and cruelty of his enslaver.

Amy had been thinking of this some one else too; for it was Mr Sparkler.

The sparkler—a big diamond—in a hollow place in the wood, kid!

If so, the place of meeting is the Sparkler's Bower, and the hour, one exactly.

I—ah—was not making any remark that could be described as a sparkler, Sir.

I—ah—was not making any remark that could be described as a sparkler, sir.

And that your heart will be on the point of sinking with dread, then you will find yourself in the arms of the Sparkler of Albion.

Mr Sparkler received the idea so kindly that Mr Dorrit asked what he was going to do that day, for instance?

They parted in an outer drawing-room, where only Mr Sparkler waited on his lady, and dutifully bided his time for shaking hands.

Mr Sparkler looked meekly after her as she lounged about the room, and he appeared to be a little frightened.