Speculation [noun]

Definition of Speculation:

theory, guess

Opposite/Antonyms of Speculation:

Sentence/Example of Speculation:

Speculation was rife as to who would inherit the estate which he left behind him.

We are pure nothings, concerning which speculation is not worth the trouble.

Mr Pancks still clung to that word, and never said speculation.

He had come to Eden on a speculation of this kind, but had abandoned it, and was about to leave.

I regret that I wasn't here in those heroic days of speculation.

There was question in his mouth, but neither question nor speculation in his eyes.

But I forget that speculation about the new life is not writing the history of the old.

So much that there had been speculation about their relationship—that didn't interest him.

Whether in practice or speculation, he is to himself only in successive instants.

Is not the reconciliation of mind and body a necessity, not only of speculation but of practical life?