Spillways [noun]
Definition of Spillways:
Opposite/Antonyms of Spillways:
Sentence/Example of Spillways:
You know its location: a mile, perhaps, from Gatun Dam and the spillway.
It also serves as a spillway over which the surplus water escapes.
It could only race and swirl along one channel, and that was the spillway of memories.
Here they could erect their spillway for the control of the water in the lake above.
The first stop was at the concrete work on the spillway dam at Miraflores.
The spillway itself contains 225,485 cubic yards of concrete.
They are, briefly, the construction of the Gatun dam and its spillway.
There was a little song of waters gurgling down the spillway that was once only a dry draw choked with wild plum bushes.
Water was flowing over a spillway three feet wide at one end of the dam.
You can keep the big fish out by screening the spillway at the upper dam.