Spinning [verb]
Definition of Spinning:
go around, make go around
Synonyms of Spinning:
● Swim
● Whirl
● Rotate
● Spiral
● Twist
● Turn
● Twirl
● Revolve
● Reel
● Wheel
● Gyre
● Gyrate
● Purl
Sentence/Example of Spinning:
In an instant horse and rider were spinning around like a top.
It was the little woman as had the secret, and she was always a spinning at her wheel.
Turkey's mother was sitting near the little window, spinning.
She loved to spin, and no spider ever spun so fine a thread as she on her spinning wheel.
And over all was a constant hum, a crackling, a whining of spinning parts.
But what were the words he was singing, this yarn he was spinning in his song?
When there he married the daughter of the rich owner of a spinning factory at Arras.
"I am spinning, my pretty child," said the old woman, who did not know who she was.
While the men were at work in the fields, the women were spinning and weaving.
Here then was the birth of the spinning industry in the United States.