Springtides [noun]

Definition of Springtides:

young adulthood

Synonyms of Springtides:

Opposite/Antonyms of Springtides:

Sentence/Example of Springtides:

Angelique smiled, as she stood there, dazzled, and as if bathed in the springtide.

Or, rather, I was with the Past,—in the bowers of my springtide of life and hope!

So they met often that springtide, and oftener as the weather waxed warmer.

The next advance will mark the springtide of resolute belief.

He dreams, and his dreams are Springtide and Summertide and Appletide.

In a sense I had no right to this springtide of bliss her presence brought me.

The capping-day was the end of our springtide, and for some of us the summer was to be brief.

What I prefer to remember is one day's trip in that springtide of prune bloom.

It was a breath of springtide that Jack had brought with him.

Ocean-Sea spread around, with that weed like a marsh at springtide.