Sprung [verb]

Definition of Sprung:

jump, skip

Synonyms of Sprung:

Opposite/Antonyms of Sprung:



Sentence/Example of Sprung:

With a faint shriek, Eudora sprung forward, and threw herself at his feet.

In other words, a great part of his gold has sprung from the blood of black slaves.

For Hester had sprung from her bed, and opened the eyes of her room.

Alleyne stared open-eyed at this tigress who had sprung so suddenly to his rescue.

On the other side of the Channel a vast literature on the subject has sprung up.

Her persecutor stifled an oath, and sprung after and arrested her.

Then hope had sprung up in his breast and had sung of freedom.

Looking at the girl, he saw that tears had sprung to her eyes.

But this sad privilege has sprung from a necessity of civilisation.

A figure had sprung suddenly from the blackness of the trees.