Spume [noun]
Definition of Spume:
Opposite/Antonyms of Spume:
Sentence/Example of Spume:
There was a feather of spume to mark the plunge and nothing else.
So we all made it ashore, and our boat also, which now we hauled out of the spume.
Outside, the air was filled with the spume and shriek of bursting shells.
His horse was white with dust and spume, but his spurs were red.
A yellow foam, like spume of the sea, dropped from his lips.
Now and then she dipped and the spume flew high, drenching Polly.
The Latin term for litharge is spuma argenti, spume of silver.
Elliot and Holt left Kusiak in a spume of whirling, blinding snow.
They passed from her mind like the spume puffed from the wave's crest.
The animals responded nobly to our urging, though their nostrils were blood-red, and their quivering haunches flaked with spume.