Spuriousnesses [noun]

Definition of Spuriousnesses:


Opposite/Antonyms of Spuriousnesses:

Sentence/Example of Spuriousnesses:

Joseph de Avila discovers the spuriousness of the Zohar, 20.

Nor are there wanting other indications of its spuriousness.

This in itself would be sufficient evidence of its spuriousness.

Nor do I find any contemporary assertion of its spuriousness.

I am no antiquarian, and, as a mere lover of beauty, I do not feel this "spuriousness."

Their spuriousness is not a question of doubt or difficulty.

There was an assumption of nonchalance which sat upon these men with the stamp of spuriousness.

All these anachronisms decisively prove the spuriousness of these compositions.

Let us now come to the extrinsic evidence, to determine the genuineness or spuriousness of these multifarious writings.

A certain suspicion of spuriousness continued to cling to it, and greatly diminished its authority.