Squanders [verb]

Definition of Squanders:

fritter away, use up

Synonyms of Squanders:

Opposite/Antonyms of Squanders:

Sentence/Example of Squanders:

What then have you done with the sums given you from infancy to squander?

Then he'll get a kind of maggot in the brain, and squander every sixpence he can lay hands on.

There's no fun in spendin' money, seems to me, unless you squander it reckless.

But now he was three years weaker, and he had no more money to squander.

I also squander it on follies, but on follies of purely home growth.

She is a splendid woman, and doesn't she just squander the shiners?

And though you did squander a big sum of money, it is evident that you did not lose your head.

The insipid fellow will squander his money away, and will be ruined.

Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of.

My anxiety is that I shall not squander my possession, now I have it.