Starrier [adjective]

Definition of Starrier:

pertaining to stars

Synonyms of Starrier:

Opposite/Antonyms of Starrier:


Sentence/Example of Starrier:

Overhead is the starry sky, bathed in the pale radiance of the moon.

He smiled at her; and for a moment he mused again over that starry light in her eyes.

When I reached the manse, it stood alone in the starry blue night.

It was pleasant there; the air came fresh from the starry sky.

And he was very great and she was very fair, and there radiated from both a starry radiance.

Or rather, perhaps, 'the starry heaven above and mind prior to the world.'

Often on starry nights he would be a watcher of the heavens.

But something else comes creeping in,As softly, from the starry night— The Elf!

Only her eyes were visible—sombre and gleaming like a starry night.

I shall never forget the last night, dark, windy, and starry.