Steadinesses [noun]

Definition of Steadinesses:


Opposite/Antonyms of Steadinesses:

Sentence/Example of Steadinesses:

This may have increased the resistance, but it adds to the steadiness.

My steadiness was owing, in a great measure, to the following circumstances.

His steadiness did not carry him to the end of his sentence.

What shall I say of the steadiness and exactitude of his hand?

The moment was critical, but the steadiness of Captain Truck did not desert him.

But there was a steadiness in Gaspare which was impressive, which could not be ignored.

Artois looked at him with a steadiness that seemed to pierce.

He lighted a cigarette to shew the steadiness of hand and eyes.

His conscience was clear, his resolve perfect in its steadiness.

Then there was the owner-engineer close at hand to be impressed by his zeal and steadiness.