Sternest [adjective]

Definition of Sternest:

serious, authoritarian

Opposite/Antonyms of Sternest:

Sentence/Example of Sternest:

Stern displeasure was visible in the countenance of the great sculptor.

Close by the stern stood Black Simon with the pennon of the house of Loring.

Yet, measured according to the stern standards of adversity, Mary was fortunate.

The Castle of Villefranche was harsh and stern as its master.

The veteran at the stern we could not see, but doubtless his skill was equally remarkable.

Artists say that by their stern canons she is a perfect woman.

How stern a moral may be drawn from the story of poor Sam Patch!

It at once aroused all that was stern in his nature—to have such a coward offer him an insult.

The stern self-control had stolen something of the tenderness from her lips.

Stern as Captain Campbell seemed, the loss of his son was irreparable.