stolid [adjective]

Definition of stolid:

  • Having or revealing little emotion or sensibility; unexcitable.
  • Calm, composed, and unexcitable in temperament.

Synonyms of stolid:

Opposite/Antonyms of stolid:

Sentence/Example of stolid:

The stolid detective showed no reaction to the gruesome crime scene.

With a stolid expression, she accepted the bad news.

His stolid demeanor masked his inner turmoil.

The stolid farmer was unfazed by the storm.

The stolid guard stood motionless at the gate.

The stolid jury listened impassively to the witness.

Her stolid nature made it difficult to read her emotions.

The stolid politician delivered a dry, unemotional speech.

The stolid audience watched the performance without applause.

The stolid character in the novel lacked depth and complexity.

The stolid old man rarely smiled or showed any emotion.

Despite the tragedy, she remained stolid and composed.

The stolid response to the crisis was disappointing.

The stolid teacher's monotone voice put the students to sleep.

The stolid bureaucrat followed the rules without question.

The stolid rock musician seemed indifferent to the crowd's cheers.

The stolid accountant carefully examined the financial report.

The stolid security guard prevented any disturbances.

The stolid librarian shushed the noisy patrons.

The stolid customer service representative offered no apologies.

The stolid witness provided a clear, unemotional account.

The stolid dog sat patiently while the children played.

The stolid horse calmly waited for its rider.

The stolid old man sat on the park bench, lost in thought.

The stolid robot followed its programming without deviation.

A box of candy against a good cigar, they are a stolid married couple.

But if stolid, Timmins had his fair share of a certain slow pugnacity.

How stolid they were and how matter of fact and how sensible.

Hiram said not a word, but he sat looking at the other in stolid silence.

Eccles faced him unwillingly, with a stolid front but shifty eyes.

"Emigrants have no rights, Evremonde," was the stolid reply.

On the first day of this labor parliament, up rose a stolid Pole.

The contemplation of this stolid ignorance—that yet knew how much?

He was rather a stolid fat boy, and he was sitting on the very edge, fishing.

It was not quick to move or easily excited; but stolid, cautious, unambitious, procrastinating.