Stories [noun]

Definition of Stories:

account, news

Opposite/Antonyms of Stories:

Sentence/Example of Stories:

All these stories are obviously alike, but we judge them very differently.

And the amount of stories Mark, with all his contemplativeness could swallow, was amazing.

All the houses were of two stories, of which the upper was open on the sides, and used for sleeping.

All the stories of that country, like the trails, seemed to run into one another.

The sheep-dealer thought of the stories he had heard of lost or stolen children.

A collection of German stories emitted a scent of brimstone.

Their stories are printed here in the hope that they may also appeal to you.

My reading in the bible, now, was not for the stories, but seriously to improve my mind and morals.

The stories have been put together by a man named Richard Wagner.

After he had told these stories in words, he told them again in a more beautiful way.