Strafes [verb]
Definition of Strafes:
attack, pillage
Synonyms of Strafes:
● Bomb
● Plunder
● Rob
● Assault
● Bombard
● Blockade
● Harass
● Ransack
● Storm
● Loot
● Invade
● Overrun
● Swoop
● Forage
● Sweep
● Sack
● Foray
● Charge
● Slough
● Strike
● Breach
● Waste
● Pirate
● Shell
● Inroad
● Rake
● Despoil
● Heat
● Rifle
● Assail
● Sally
● Maraud
● Harry
● Break in
● Spoliate
● Torpedo
● Fire on
● Lean on
● March on
● Tip over
Opposite/Antonyms of Strafes:
Sentence/Example of Strafes:
MORE leaves the window—his face distorted by the strafe of his emotions.
When they did grasp it they began to strafe us, and they kep' it up hard all day.
Murmuring something that sounded dangerously like "Strafe rules!"
Gott strafe the English, and in particular your detestable little boy.
If I did my duty as a special, I should "strafe" her for that.'
I havent seen such a bonzer target to strafe since we was in Gllipoli.
My parting remark to him was: "Take care they don't 'strafe' you."
"They strafe this part fairly often," said the major unconcernedly.
My advice is to put your men into that ditch and keep them there until the strafe is over.
Two of my men, two corporals, are getting Divisional cards of merit for their work and pluck in the strafe the other day.