Stratification [noun]

Definition of Stratification:

tabular structure

Synonyms of Stratification:

Opposite/Antonyms of Stratification:


Sentence/Example of Stratification:

Stratification in meteorites, however, is denied by the faithful.

The cleavage of slates then is not a question of stratification; what then is its cause?

Like all such accumulations, it is totally free from stratification.

Partial substitutes for stratification are soaking and scalding the seeds.

They should generally be transported in some sort of stratification.

Further ecological studies on stratification of the Arthropoda.

The problem, it will be seen, is essentially one of stratification.

Faults are breaks in the layers of rock, or in the stratification, as it is called.

Stratification of the metamorphic rocks distinct from cleavage.

It roused curious feelings as to the nature and value of stratification.