Strokes [noun]

Definition of Strokes:


Synonyms of Strokes:

Opposite/Antonyms of Strokes:

Sentence/Example of Strokes:

And in addition I would receive five strokes with a ruler on my fingers.

They were able to take different shapes at will, and their swords were like strokes of lightning.

He counted the strokes, and then jumped down, apparently surprised and relieved.

We crave a sense of reality, though it come in strokes of pain.

His pulse was now small, irregular, and beat 130 strokes in a minute.

“Hours and hours,” she murmured, counting the strokes subconsciously.

He dipped the paddle deep and put all his strength into the strokes.

He counted the strokes, and gazing at the grate seemed to wait for more.

And you swam thirty-eight strokes under water the other day.

A flywheel keeps an engine going between the strokes of the piston.