Struck [adjective]
Definition of Struck:
Opposite/Antonyms of Struck:
Sentence/Example of Struck:
This gambler he was the slickest short-card player ever struck hereabouts.
I was struck with the order of the bath: also the scimetary of the apartments.
Steered east for four miles, when we struck Mr. Gosse's cart-track.
He didn't mention this, but even if he had you should not have struck him back.
He gave me some impertinent advice, and, because I did not care to take it, he struck me.
The clock struck twelve, and it seemed as if it struck a thousand.
The words of the outlaw had struck something in him that was like metal chiming on metal.
One dragoon advanced and was struck off his horse by the bayonet.
When supper was over and the clock had struck twelve, the party separated.
But the arm that through her son had struck her heart, caught and supported her.