Stumblingly [adverb]
Definition of Stumblingly:
Opposite/Antonyms of Stumblingly:
Sentence/Example of Stumblingly:
Then his feet found one of them stumblingly, and he turned and moved to one side.
As he alighted, stumblingly, Maku caught him by the other arm.
He reeled and clutched at the tent-flap, then stumblingly made his way out.
But he said it so stumblingly that I was sure he was not telling me all.
She was feeling at the head of her stick, stumblingly, half rising.
But he had always groped his way back again, stumblingly, through the dusk.
Stumblingly, humbly he told her, and she listened, nestling in his arms as one who has found her own place.
In the darkness that sealed his eyes he was forced to grope his way about stumblingly, usually with the help of a guide.
Vanderlyn got up slowly; stumblingly he walked across the room and took up the receiver.
Haltingly and stumblingly she asked him for the money, without telling him Louis's chain of lies at all.