Stunted [adjective]

Definition of Stunted:

kept from growing

Synonyms of Stunted:

Opposite/Antonyms of Stunted:

Sentence/Example of Stunted:

He was interred under the stunted oak where Master Headley had been tied.

The thick, stunted columns, left in the rough, also awaited their sculptors.

She felt cheated, stunted, revengeful because of this common fate.

Jakin was a stunted child of fourteen, and Lew was about the same age.

Everywhere on Long Island grew the stunted bushes, and everywhere they were valued.

All the oaks are dwarfs, stunted by the lack of soil and force of the winds.

Out of the saddle he was seen to be short and stunted, with legs badly bowed.

You have even been stunted in your growth, as Lady Anne said.

He said he didn't want none of us to be stunted in our growing.

In the Northern colonies the growth was stunted by the climate.