Stylist [noun]
Definition of Stylist:
one who writes with style
Opposite/Antonyms of Stylist:
Sentence/Example of Stylist:
Possibly the stylist had included the Automatic Sales dress in its computations.
This time the stylist purred as it surveyed and hummed while it worked.
Then she saw that the stylist had produced a shining make-up kit and was opening it.
I should have said 'well-larded,' but then I am something of a stylist.
It is in a sense a “ghost story,” but it is told by an artist and a stylist.
There is no reason why one man should be a stylist and another should not, but so it is.
Should one not say the greater the stylist, the lesser the Vagabond?
I say seemed, for it was the stylist that stood in the way of the story-teller.
A stylist may generally be identified to-day by his bloody nose.
Johnson alone was a distinctively English thinker and stylist.