Subjacent [adjective]
Definition of Subjacent:
Opposite/Antonyms of Subjacent:
Sentence/Example of Subjacent:
Now with a churn-staff, beat it till the thick substance just mentioned, be intimately blended with the subjacent fluid.
Their descendants gain the subjacent zone, and so the process goes on.
The subjacent cellular tissue was much distended with serum.
It was not formed by the disintegration of the subjacent rocks, but by aqueous transport.
Is not this second infinite, so to speak, subjacent to the first?
Below this layer fresh segments continue for some time to be added to the blastoderm from the subjacent yolk.
The subjacent rocks consist of alternations of black slate, limestone, and serpentine.
If the subjacent iliac and psoas muscles be implicated, the thigh is flexed upon the leg in decubitus.
Its edges fade away gradually in the surface of the subjacent sandstone.
The heat given out melts the subjacent tallow, and expands whatever it warms.