Subordination [noun]
Definition of Subordination:
Opposite/Antonyms of Subordination:
Sentence/Example of Subordination:
It is a right to be exercised in subordination to the Constitution and in conformity to it.
They have learned too well the lessons of order and the necessity of subordination.
There is no balance where independence and subordination do not supplement each other.
The Index of Subordination is low, but we don't want one too high for this post.
I do not believe in the subordination of a wife to her husband.
He thus shows his obtuseness, or his subordination to a higher power.
Independence is never more called out than by subordination.
Subordination to the wills of their superiors was ingrained in their natures.
To order, to just subordination; noble loyalty in return for noble guidance.
We all have our faults, and must keep them in subordination.