Subsumptions [noun]

Definition of Subsumptions:


Synonyms of Subsumptions:

Opposite/Antonyms of Subsumptions:

Sentence/Example of Subsumptions:

The subsumption of the condition of another possible judgement under the condition of the rule is the minor.

Thirdly, the subsumption of several laws under one more general expression.

This process of subsumption bears the same relation to secondary laws, that these do to particular facts.

It leads Kant to describe schematism as a process of subsumption, and to speak of the transcendental schema as a third thing.

There would be no difficulty with this subsumption if the objects and the conceptions of the understanding were the same in kind.

Thinking is subsumption—just placing a particular proposition under its universal.

The act of recognition is a subsumption of the object under a class by use of the second figure of the syllogism.