Surmountable [adjective]
Definition of Surmountable:
Opposite/Antonyms of Surmountable:
Sentence/Example of Surmountable:
In the mass they are appalling but singly they are surmountable.
Listen, then, to the difficulties that beset us, and say if they are surmountable.
Rather on the north-west side, the hill is surmountable by a zig-zag path, up which a loaded mule can climb with some difficulty.
Once at least within historic memory the barrier of the Caucasus had proved to be surmountable.
Insurmountable, in-sur-mownt′a-bl, adj. not surmountable: that cannot be overcome.
We also seem to be on the edge of a new continent, separated not by oceans but by subtle and surmountable psychic conditions.
He had counted upon all obstacles but this; and all other obstacles were surmountable, but this was insurmountable.