Suspicioned [verb]

Definition of Suspicioned:


Synonyms of Suspicioned:

Opposite/Antonyms of Suspicioned:

Sentence/Example of Suspicioned:

No one ever suspicioned his former connection with the monastery of Agnoli.

One of the windows on the other side is unfastened, just as I suspicioned it might be.

I knew something was strange—I've suspicioned it ever sence you come.

I suspicioned it from the first, and I came certain of it on Sunday night.

He arrived at the rebel lines safely, unrecognized and not suspicioned.

He was running like hed been sent for, and thats why I suspicioned him.

He suspicioned what we was after an' we didn't see all he had.

But I suspicioned they was up to somethin' when she brought them baskets.

"They was nearer than I suspicioned when I went off," he said, and looked at me curiously.

He tuk Jock, as I suspicioned he would, an' Jock was deceptive.