Sweetshops [noun]

Definition of Sweetshops:

store selling candy

Synonyms of Sweetshops:

Opposite/Antonyms of Sweetshops:


Sentence/Example of Sweetshops:

But little Publius knew a sweet-shop, and a trick worth two of that.

The proprietor of the sweet-shop, however, was not sensitive.

I see a schoolboy, when I think of him, With face and nose pressed to a sweet-shop window.

The man in the sweet-shop told him his only chance of getting a paper was at the railway station.

She seemed to find nothing odd in the fact of a small boy being in charge of a sweet-shop.

More useful, and the fruit of an even grander tree, are those ‘Brazil nuts’ which are sold in every sweet-shop at home.

She was to feel henceforth as if she were flattening her nose upon the hard window-pane of the sweet-shop of knowledge.