Symmetric [adjective]

Definition of Symmetric:


Synonyms of Symmetric:

Opposite/Antonyms of Symmetric:


Sentence/Example of Symmetric:

The normal profile is thus a symmetric cone with a flaring base.

Fig. 217 shows a triskelion of symmetric spirals turned to the right.

Our hands, feet, and ears afford other illustrations of symmetric solids.

Secondary manifestations are usually bilateral, and often symmetric in configuration and distribution.

Now it is the same thing with symmetric spherical triangles; we cannot superpose them.

And over this rich vitality and this symmetric mechanism now reigned only, with the animal life, the mind.

In general, if the equation is given arbitrarily, the group will be the symmetric group.

There was a horrible fascination in it—human bodies and lives subjected in slavery to that symmetric monster of the colliery.

Space is symmetric, and yet the laws of motion would not show any symmetry; they would have to distinguish between right and left.

Keratosis palmaris et plantaris (symmetric keratodermia), as regards the local condition, is a somewhat similar affection.