Tenfold [adjective]

Definition of Tenfold:

having ten of something

Synonyms of Tenfold:

Opposite/Antonyms of Tenfold:


Sentence/Example of Tenfold:

Instead of diminishing employment, the Jacquard loom increased it at least tenfold.

And indeed had his speed been tenfold greater than it was, it had been exerted to no purpose.

More 's the pity, for it renders all that it aids of tenfold more worth.

For if the summer be tenfold summer, then must the winter be tenfold winter.

Thus from 1800 to 1860 Ohio increased in nearly tenfold the ratio of Kentucky.

Tenfold thus with his wife; but whoever did fight with his uncle?

The pleasure is tenfold as great in being cheated as to cheat.

The spirit of revenge with an American Indian is tenfold stronger than cupidity.

It is the doctrine of Malthus applied in most cases with tenfold force.

If Licorice hated Christians before, she hates them tenfold now.