Terminated [verb]

Definition of Terminated:

stop, finish

Synonyms of Terminated:

Opposite/Antonyms of Terminated:

Sentence/Example of Terminated:

Destructive wars ensued, which have of late only been terminated.

In every direction the view is restricted or terminated by walls of rock.

It lay on a steep slope, which terminated in a wooded plain.

The war with the Chactaws terminated by the prudence of M. de Vaudreuil.

It terminated in a little ante-room adjoining that from which they had seen the light.

It terminated in 1370, leaving the Hansa master of the situation.

The lesson in English pronunciation, however, was not yet terminated.

While the activity of man is terminated at conception, that of woman only begins at this moment.

The brief liaison was terminated by the illness and death of Jeanne.

At the cost of that, your portrait, Sire, will be terminated.