Thanklessnesses [noun]

Definition of Thanklessnesses:


Synonyms of Thanklessnesses:

Opposite/Antonyms of Thanklessnesses:

Sentence/Example of Thanklessnesses:

It is common, I know, to talk of the ingratitude of inferiors and the thanklessness of mercy.

It is a silence not of thanklessness, but of respect and devotion.

I ask your pardon for what may seem to you insult and thanklessness.

The same figure would serve just as well to describe the thanklessness of Belief to the Disbelief which has purged and exalted it.

The girls, who by this time were used to his thanklessness, went on their way and did their business in the town.

He began by reproaching the missionary for his thanklessness in rejecting his repeated invitations.

I had never been struck at so keenly, for my thanklessness to Joe, as through the brazen impostor Pumblechook.

Their thanklessness is anticipated, and springs from the very nature of their calling; it verges on the beaten road of comedy.

We should show kindnesses which will soon be forgotten, never be returned, and be undismayed by the thanklessness of the task.

I began to weary of the small Yankee greed and griping and “thanklessness” which I experienced.