Thataway [noun]

Definition of Thataway:

direction, route

Synonyms of Thataway:

Opposite/Antonyms of Thataway:

Sentence/Example of Thataway:

“We might make a basket of our hands and carry her thataway,” suggested Skeeter.

I'll git th' chap that planned their course out for 'em thataway!

He lights a fire an' gets a torch ter examine ther tree, but can't find nothin' that would hev cotched him thataway.

Charon almost said Thataway, as he shook his head and pointed a trembling finger to the distant shore.

I reckon,” said Raymond, the conservative, “that the old-time people that fixed it thataway knowed best.

We went on thataway a good while into the summer and nothing much happened between us and our neighbors.

Don't you see you're interruptin' the holy rites of matrimony—carryin' on thataway?

Ain't nobody gits gin in his lemonade, suh, 'less he awdeh it thataway.