Tizzy [noun]

Definition of Tizzy:


Opposite/Antonyms of Tizzy:

Sentence/Example of Tizzy:

As soon as Mike started bluffing, the robot went into a tizzy.

Find the value of a 'bob,' a 'tanner,' a 'joey,' and a 'tizzy.'

Find the value of a 'bob,' a 'tanner,' 'a joey,' and a 'tizzy.'

"And lose the tizzy they've promised us," said he of the hoe.

This meant he would lay out the tizzy, or kick, provided that his bed was furnished with sheets.

Why, look 'e here, my trump, its a farden more to the tizzy—that's what it is.

Tom,” said Tizzy, addressing her father across the table, “I hope you had a good run to-day.

"I dink dot boetry vos make me tizzy already," came from Hans, as he sat down on a nearby chair, his face growing suddenly pale.

I haven't a shilling but what comes through his fingers; an' drat the tizzy he'll gi' me till he knows the reason why.'

But I'm in a bad fix anyhow—a regular sell it's been, and I can't get a tizzy out of him.