Toddling [verb]

Definition of Toddling:

walk unsteadily

Synonyms of Toddling:

Opposite/Antonyms of Toddling:


Sentence/Example of Toddling:

I call him Toddle because that's about all he can do in the way of a walk.

Let's toddle along and see what Fu Manchu has to say for himself.

You say well, Haimet, it was before your day; you were only beginning to toddle about when he died.

She had from the time she could toddle around been constantly with her father.

He was the youngest of us, and could just toddle when Bill went away.

At the time, baby was quite able to walk—at least to waddle or toddle.

I felt just as, I suppose, an infant does on his first trying to toddle.

And how the old man did rejoice when the little thing could toddle into his pantry!

He has served me ever since he was able to toddle and I have yet to find the first serious fault in him.

We may toddle to the altar yet, I said hysterically, when you are about eighty and I am seventy.