Tomato [noun]
Definition of Tomato:
fruit with one ovary
Opposite/Antonyms of Tomato:
Sentence/Example of Tomato:
For to throw a tomato at the son of Lawyer Gamely was aiming very high.
If you try to get fresh with me I'll paint you blacker—blacker than a—than a tomato could—I will.
Add the vinegar and seasoning, dish in a circle, and pour the tomato over.
Bob Strahan blushed until he was redder than any tomato that ever ripened.
A tomato whizzed past his ear and splattered against the wall.
There is no vegetable grown that is more widely used than the tomato.
When fresh tomatoes are not available the tomato paste may be used.
When these cutlets are browned, pour over some tomato sauce and serve.
When this is all absorbed, complete the cooking with tomato sauce (No. 12).
Instead of the tomato, the eggs may be arranged with a balsamella sauce (No. 54).