Tormentors [noun]

Definition of Tormentors:

person or thing that presents problem

Synonyms of Tormentors:

Opposite/Antonyms of Tormentors:

Sentence/Example of Tormentors:

Napoleon clinched his little fist, and turned hotly on his tormentor.

Napoleon turned upon his tormentor; "a better man than you, Frenchman!"

William Yorke, vouchsafing no reply, broke away from his tormentor.

I was prepared for all this, and was most affable to the tormentor of a traveller's patience.

She was very angry, but she was determined that her tormentor should not know it.

From frothing lips he hurled blasphemies and insults at his tormentor.

"Crazy already," sneered the doctor, squinting up at his tormentor.

He became the tormentor of all our moments; he ''was worse than a nightmare.

Franks stiffened and turned to face his tormentor, his face hot with anger.

Still she strove to be calm and to baffle her tormentor to the very end.