Transfuse [verb]

Definition of Transfuse:


Synonyms of Transfuse:

Opposite/Antonyms of Transfuse:

Sentence/Example of Transfuse:

It is easy to guide the hand, but who can transfuse a soul into the image?

His blood they transfuse into their minds and into their manners.

How few like him could transfuse the spirit of the Tipperary assassin into the moral principles of the Castle, for useful purpose?

Was it possible to transfuse the peculiar spirit of the Irish native poetry into the English tongue?

Send me (if you have them) the rejected ones: I think I could transfuse blood into them and revive them.

How long he sat there, allowing the subtle influence to transfuse and possess his entire being, he did not know.

May you be enabled, by reading them frequently, to transfuse into your own breast that holy flame which inspired the writer!

He must be 'apt to teach,' and must lose himself in his task if he is to transfuse his blood into the veins of boys.

Fifty or sixty years ago surgeons did not hesitate to transfuse the blood of animals into human beings.

Moisture tends to transfuse from the hot towards the cold portion of the wood.