Treasure [noun]

Definition of Treasure:

prized possession or entity

Synonyms of Treasure:

Opposite/Antonyms of Treasure:



Sentence/Example of Treasure:

Where this treasure is, there, naturally enough, our hearts will be also.

In other words, they bequeath us a treasure which we are free to enrich with our own discoveries.

That something hidden away in my nature, like a treasure in a field, is Humility.

For all that, I know very well what a treasure I possess in Andrew the carpenter.

And when I had recovered them all, even to the smallest, I took my treasure home.

And this is how you come to the story of Captain Kidd's treasure box.

Nor would the treasure ever have been found but for a most fortuitous accident.

Off he marched with the jewels, and that was the last that the pirate saw of his Indian treasure.

During this gale, I had a proof of the truth that "where the treasure is, there will the heart be also."

Wotan and Loki hurried back to the mountain-side with their treasure.