Truculence [noun]

Definition of Truculence:

aggressiveness; ferocity; fight

Synonyms of Truculence:

Opposite/Antonyms of Truculence:

Sentence/Example of Truculence:

At the same time there was not a suspicion of truculence or even repulse in his carriage.

You are not to be improved by the piety of his expression, nor disgusted by its truculence.

But away from their control some deeds of truculence occurred.

It would be fatal at this point to show weakness or truculence.

Stonor shook hands with him, affecting not to notice the signs of truculence.

Before it, the assumption of truculence on Spofford's features faded.

I do pray you to pardon the truculence of that carnivorous comparison.

I had a printed document from them, which was severe to the point of truculence.

Friends will be those who can be cowed into truculence or bought.

Even in his gaiety there was an unpleasant spice of greed and truculence.