Twilights [noun]

Definition of Twilights:

onset of darkness at end of day

Synonyms of Twilights:

Opposite/Antonyms of Twilights:

Sentence/Example of Twilights:

The sun had gone down, and the twilight was fast losing itself in night.

After twilight fell, she slowly walked the length of the Street.

The camp turns out to see the sunset and enjoy the twilight.

He lay as still as the stones beside him, and all was quiet again in the twilight.

The twilight was already coming on and it was perfectly still all around.

All the pyramids are becoming a little faint as the twilight is advancing.

But when the twilight began to show Dick believed that victory was at hand.

Then he returned to the hole in the cliff, and remained there until twilight.

By twilight she returned to Venus with her arms full of shining fleece.

She stood unthinking, it seemed, her gaze vaguely piercing the twilight.