Twins [noun]

Definition of Twins:

something exactly like another

Synonyms of Twins:

Opposite/Antonyms of Twins:

Sentence/Example of Twins:

Some say when he was twenty-one, as soon as his wife presented him with twins, in 1585.

Suppose you was to favour us with some remarks on twins, sir, would you be so good!'

Among the star pictures in the sky may be found one called Gemini, or the Twins.

Take one child and put him under the disability that the twins were born with.

You have seen it hidden in her eyes and you have seen it in the milky eyes of the twins.

It was Sure Pop, who had looked in to say good night to the twins.

For it was the morning of Hallowe'en,—and the Dalton twins' birthday.

"Dad says he'll get me one as soon as I do something to earn it," he told the twins.

The twins stepped nearer so that they could hear what he was saying.

And before the twins' very eyes he faded away into thin air!