Tyros [noun]

Definition of Tyros:


Synonyms of Tyros:

Opposite/Antonyms of Tyros:

Sentence/Example of Tyros:

A tyro in the art of war could see that much of the strategy that was going on.

Any tyro in the logics will tell thee that the onus of proving lies with the accuser.

To the Wondrous Vision he said something which caused her to glance over at the Tyro.

At sight of the Tyro, his joke which he had so highly esteemed, returned to his mind.

The Tyro she allowed to stand, vouchsafing him only the most careless recognition.

The Tyro extracted a bill from his modest roll and handed it over.

"My name's not Daddleskink," the Tyro informed him morosely.

The Tyro struck at his bigger opponent, the blow falling short.

Thus the Tyro, in much perturbation of spirit, at the end of a lonely day.

"Well, I suppose—that is—I thought perhaps you—" floundered the Tyro, reddening.