Unalterably [adverb]
Definition of Unalterably:
Opposite/Antonyms of Unalterably:
Sentence/Example of Unalterably:
He was, therefore, unalterably opposed to the admission of the new State.
Well, I most decidedly and unalterably object, Professor Simec.
This position I respectfully but unalterably decline to accept.
The regiment was also a home, and as unalterably dear and precious as his parents' house.
"I'm unalterably——" said Dink and stopped, as the rest was superfluous.
Upon that point his mind was clearly and unalterably made up.
Though distance divided, she was, unalterably, that to him: "My dear wife."
To special privileges of every sort he was unalterably opposed.
To your Medway man the lock is as unalterably feminine as his ship to a sailor.
And now that I have said it, you must read it so; for I am unalterably determined.