Unaltered [adjective]
Definition of Unaltered:
Opposite/Antonyms of Unaltered:
Sentence/Example of Unaltered:
It had been her wish to keep it, in its sweet familiarity, unaltered till the last.
But her voice and her smile were unaltered; and she would not listen to any words of sympathy.
Whatever his poetical achievements, the main fact is unaltered.
Letters from Provence, Languedoc, and Dauphine say that the situation there is unaltered.
Keep them out of your beer and it remains for ever unaltered.
But it will take much to reassure me of your unaltered regard.
These scenes were included, unaltered, in the 1845 collection of Poems, by Poe.
He dwelt on the enchantress who remained in unaltered beauty.
Only his hound remained always the same in unaltered fidelity.
The long line of the quay is unaltered, and the rare charm of the river.