Uncommonly [adverb]

Definition of Uncommonly:


Synonyms of Uncommonly:

Opposite/Antonyms of Uncommonly:

Sentence/Example of Uncommonly:

"Uncommonly dark; what I may say gipsy-like," said Mr. Plimmins.

That's the sort of thing that'll happen to you, unless you're uncommonly careful.

But men have to be uncommonly unanimous in order to refuse wealth.

"You have been uncommonly silent, Nance, even for you," he said at last.

They are uncommonly intelligent, too, and are very teachable when young.

The other formations not uncommonly exhibit 60, 80, or even 94 per cent.

It is seldom that we have an exchange, and they say that this stranger is uncommonly eloquent.

It is quite incidental that she is uncommonly rich and uncommonly homely.

The descent was gradual, and uncommonly free from breakages.

In addition to all this, he was uncommonly handy with tools.