Undecidedly [adverb]

Definition of Undecidedly:


Synonyms of Undecidedly:

Opposite/Antonyms of Undecidedly:

Sentence/Example of Undecidedly:

"I hope you always say them," said Mrs. Forbes, regarding her undecidedly.

She looked at me undecidedly, not quite knowing how to take me.

He turned to enter the bank, but stopped and looked back, undecidedly.

He dismounted, looked at Jerry undecidedly and slapped him on the knee.

The magistrate frowned, and undecidedly stretched his hand toward his cap.

The rest of the Canadians looked at each other undecidedly for a moment and then slowly filed after the middle-aged woman.

Rises, flings book on table, goes to window; takes out letter again, holds it undecidedly.

The women stared at each other undecidedly, and the girl nudged her mother.

The young man, who had no umbrella, remained in the shelter of a doorway, watching her undecidedly.

"It may take a few minutes," he said undecidedly, plainly endeavoring to cover up his own dark doubts.