Undiscoverable [adjective]

Definition of Undiscoverable:

hidden, mysterious; blank

Synonyms of Undiscoverable:

Opposite/Antonyms of Undiscoverable:

Sentence/Example of Undiscoverable:

When ground into fine powder it is undiscoverable in the liquor, and is but too much used to the prejudice of the public health.

But that, he contended, was not the word; and the word was undiscoverable.

But if it be undiscoverable by man, how does Paul come to know it?

In sooth, we meet with scarce any case in which excuses are undiscoverable.

She had planned her act to be remote, secret, undiscoverable.

They followed some God-given instinct, undiscoverable now by us.

That body itself may be undiscoverable by any sense save feeling.

The quarter from which these armies of swallows came was at first undiscoverable.

The word was easy to say; the thing, at the first blush, was undiscoverable.

Were motion a property of matter, that undiscovered and undiscoverable thing, called perpetual motion, would establish itself.